The Art of Traveling Light

You have a vacation coming up and have not started your packing yet? We have come up with this try-to-fit-everything-into-a-carry-on-luggage solution. There are plenty of reasons why you should try this technique. The best one

You have a vacation coming up and have not started your packing yet? We have come up with this try-to-fit-everything-into-a-carry-on-luggage solution. There are plenty of reasons why you should try this technique. The best one being that you cannot lose your luggage if you have only one carry on bag. Since airlines keep increasing fees for your luggage, having only one will end up saving you a lot of money. It also makes your trip more comfortable. If you are convinced on why you should carry only one carry on luggage, let’s get started on how to do it :

• Always start with the essentials: The best way to travel light is to first write down all the essentials which you will be needing during your trip. Make a list of all the outfits which you need to make sure that you do not carry the unnecessary load. By packing your important stuff first, you can add extra items if you have space left.
• Plan your outfits: While doing so, you will realize that you need less than you thought. You barely need a minimal number of bottoms at the moment you match them with a top, it is a whole new outfit. With a little planning, you will come to the conclusion that you just need to be creative with your outfit. Packing less will still make you look cute while traveling if you plan appropriately.
• Pack creatively: Make use of your socks by shoving your charging cables in them or by filling up your shoes with the socks. If you have space in your sunglasses case, it would be advisable to throw some earrings and necklaces in there. Instead of packing books, you can carry your Kindle library. Invest in some multipurpose products such as shampoo which also acts like body wash.
• Wear your extra kilos on you at the airport: Wear that bulky sweater or leather boots to go to the airport. Since it is somehow cold in the plane, your sweater can act as a blanket to keep you warm. Basically, anything which will take up a lot of room in your luggage but is important, it will be wise to just wear it to the airport. Keep the extra space for all your other belongings.

Hope that these tips are going to be of great help to you. Packing light means less stress!

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