
How to choose seats for your restaurant?

A restaurant is not only a place to enjoy a meal. It must also be a friendly and warm place where you can enjoy spending time. Therefore, the decoration plays an important role in the

A restaurant is not only a place to enjoy a meal. It must also be a friendly and warm place where you can enjoy spending time. Therefore, the decoration plays an important role in the attractiveness of your establishment. The furniture, the floor covering as well as the wall covering, the color of the ceiling, the decorative accessories, the lighting, the windows… each element and each detail must be harmoniously arranged to please the customers but also the employees. In this ensemble, a trendy piece of furniture stands out among the others: seating. Are you a restaurant owner looking for a piece of furniture that will bring out the beauty of your establishment? Reading this article will be of great help to you.

The restaurant banquette

Banquettes embody elegance, luxury and comfort. Resembling a corner sofa, they are very popular in brasseries, bars and diners, the typical restaurants of North America and the United States. Installed in a restaurant, they add character to the interior and create a cocooning atmosphere. When you enter a restaurant, it is one of the things that catch your eye. It’s no wonder, since this furniture exudes class, enhances the decor and invites customers to spend a pleasant moment while enjoying a good meal. Are you considering installing a banquette in your restaurant? Read on for further details.


Tips for arranging seating in a restaurant

It’s true that a banquette is aesthetically pleasing to look at, but before getting one, it’s best to make sure that the interior space you have is suitable for this kind of furniture. Since a banquette takes up quite a bit of space, the first thing to do is to locate empty spaces.

If your restaurant has only a small space, choose a medium-sized bench that you will install along a wall. This way, the tables can be easily moved closer or further apart. Result: the number of place settings can be increased. In addition to being practical, this arrangement will have a positive impact on your sales.

On the other hand, if you have a large restaurant, you can create small private spaces with benches to provide more privacy to your customers. If you wish, you can also set up alcoves.

What about the material, color and finish?

A decorative accessory in its own right, restaurant benches are made from noble, resistant and durable materials such as leather or imitation leather. For a more beautiful effect, you can have a velvet banquette made. As for colors, prefer caramel tones. Beige, red and burgundy textures are particularly well suited for retro style. If you like simple decor, you can match the upholstery and color of your banquettes with the chairs and armchairs of your restaurant. On the other hand, if you want to break up a standard decoration, you can choose colors that contrast totally with the walls of your establishment.

For the finishing touches, it all depends on your tastes and preferences. Let your imagination run wild. The benches can be upholstered or embroidered with vertical or diamond-shaped stitching patterns. In short, the possibilities are truly numerous. As for the material, wood seems to be the best choice to intensify the timeless side of the furniture.

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