Dear Alcohol, This is Why I Said Goodbye To You A Goodbye Letter To Alcohol

Content Commentary: Shane Gillis, who was fired by ‘SNL’ over bigoted remarks, is hosting. What changed? What do we do with a goodbye letter to alcohol? Who reads it? Benefits of Writing for Mental Health

I made vows to others not to see you – I meant them, but I broke them. I lied about our secret rendez-vous. Even though every time I saw you I would spend days afterwards unable to function and ravaged physically, I just couldn’t give you up – even though by this time I wanted to. I wanted to be the person I saw in others I admired – the one who broke free. We had to spend some time apart when I first went to uni – I had Hepatitis and couldn’t see you. But my Anxiety Disorder was getting worse and I started to really experience how bad it could feel and how alien I felt around others, how abnormal, out-of-place and different.

If I had stayed with you, I would have taken my life; I needed to leave you to survive. When I was at my lowest point, I believed suicide was the answer to remove all the hurt I’ve been harbouring — a way to escape from this life we created. Back then, I thought that only my death would remove your power over me. I’d happily drink the night away, and you’d leave me to rot. The lights went out, another blackout.

Commentary: Shane Gillis, who was fired by ‘SNL’ over bigoted remarks, is hosting. What changed?

I realized they all came as a result of my interactions with you. I hate to tell you, but no one starts out their relationship to you with the idea that you will one day control their entire way of life. I have to hand it to you in that you have a very charismatic way about you. Luring us in with your promises of a good time and that you’ll take away all our worries. Having us believe you can solve our problems, take our stress away and connect us to others in ways we think we can’t on our own. He concludes by accepting his past and looking toward his new future singing, you’re a part of my story / good times I won’t forget / I can say I’m glad you’re gone.

goodbye alcohol letter

When I got sober I went to detox, and then to an outpatient program. For over a year I attended an early recovery group meeting once a week along with therapy and a 12-step program. I was asked to write this letter…a goodbye letter to my addiction.

What do we do with a goodbye letter to alcohol? Who reads it?

I needed comforting so badly – and you knew exactly which buttons to press, in a way that no-one else ever has. I couldn’t just see you for a bit socially – after leaving you for a bit, I yearned to be with you again. Even after the briefest meeting, I hated it when you had to leave – I was addicted to your company. I happened to meet someone who revealed your true colours to me in part.

Design For Recovery is committed to helping you or your loved one live a fulfilling life free from alcohol and drug addiction. Below you can find out what to expect when you contact us for help. Design for Recovery empowers men struggling with addiction by providing 24/7 support, mentorship, and teaches them how to live healthy, fulfilling lives. At a medical detox center, I missed you every second of the day. I was sick with withdrawal from you, but I felt your hold weakening.

Benefits of Writing for Mental Health

Some took longer than others but they all help each other because they’ve been where I am today. Her name is Recovery and she makes me feel good about myself…as a Person, a Father, a Spouse, and a Friend. Writing a goodbye letter to alcohol is quite an amazing tool really.

You made me feel lighter in those early days. You made me feel like I could talk to the boys I fancied. When I was with you, I felt sexy, fun, popular, desired, and free. The exact opposite of how I felt when I was sober. You know the line, it’s not you, it’s me?

I mean, damn, I can barely remember all those late night documentaries we watched on Netflix. And you gave me a short fuse at my temper. Yep, you ignited that on way too many occasions. My wife and friends tell me about how intense I got, and the horrible things I said. It’s a disgusting feeling knowing I did those things and not being able to remember. Yep, these are some of those not-good moments we had together.

goodbye alcohol letter

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You were with me through thick and thin, the good times and the bad times. From my teenage years through to my thirties, from England to New Zealand and all the places in-between. Broken hearts and broken bones, criminal records and broken homes. You were my biggest downfall, a thorn in my side, an abusive partner that I no longer need in life. So, think of it as writing down why you want to break up with alcohol or drugs. And the more honest you are towards yourself, the more of a useful tool you will find it.

goodbye alcohol letter

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